Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mount And Blade Build A Fort

Jump a proxy that requires authentication

Well, nothing goes as Terror yesterday with Jorge decided to try a 5000x server and went to a server called L2Storm
, an ultra high rate PVP server. This is the first time I play on a server like that and it was amazing. As had been with the desire to create my Dager (inspired シャナ) since I started this character:

My thoughts on this server are many, first look at the buffs! there are 6! YES 6! lines buffs, there are those buffs that are worth 50kk and last 5 hours. The Scrolls of Enchant love of a +5, the first leaves Scroll the weapon or armor +5, +10 following the following at +15 and so on.
sell potions and elixirs in the shop, and SA weapons, the weapon they see there is a Dynasty Knife +35 with Haste. They sell the hair ornaments, neko ears! : P Kawaii!
The first hunting area is Ketra Orc Outpost, there is no requirement to go there, the second, I forget what it is, I think it's Wall of Argos and the requirement is that all equipment is in +35 (obviously the server is not valid that, but it is a way of saying, if you have that, or fence that is going to die). Here is Monastery of Silence and the requirement is that the equipment is at +100.
sell eggs that love objects with a probability of 100% and have a chance to "jump" to the object +100 at once.

When one kills another pj, pj that does drop adena, so there is a reward for PVPI, that must be the reason that in that server the cursed Weapons fall so often.
Well, my experience, because nothing kills a Moob start and got to level 83, then I went to the Newbie with Newbie Shop and buy weapons and armor tokens, but when I had bought everything I realized that the muddy and I bought a sword instead of a dagger and was then sold and bought an S and an Angel Slayer Enchant Scroll, the charming and +5 oooooo! god! Then I went to see if I could change classes, I turned Elven Scout and then I went back Plains Walker, when he went to the third class change, I realized they charged for it (at that time I had not that had a Gold Bar in the inventory) then decided not to change for now, I went and looked at the Town Buffer, and clicked the button "All Buffs" and I got a notice saying "You Do not have enough adena , go farming "tonka clicked buffer Newbie Buffs and I put a lot of buffs normalitos (such as the Prohphet and such)
GK and I went to see the Hunting Grond, wherein said vi Newbie Hunting Grounds of the Monastery Silence, and thought "ha, with this team I'll split them into two" I went and oh surprise! They beat me, had some pjs with past re uns armor and then attack one of these Shadow that is there near the entrance and the first attack killed me respawn then made a T-Rex then said, "Well, I think that really is not for me" after I read the request and said "seee really was not for me"
Thereupon I turned to put the Newbie buffs and went to Ketra Orc Outpost and started to kill bugs when I get a @ # $! PKio behind and I, and I appeared "You have droped adena" then I thought as "¬ ¬ mmm yes, I do not blame me .... then seen as a more Moob (" Well then, I think that ultimately it was an experience bacana ... :) And is useful for testing characters.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Color Are Hiv Spots

In most educational institutions, businesses, libraries, etc.. There is a firewall (usually a ISA Server) that restricts Internet access to certain ports, this is done to prevent users found by accessing Firewall dentreo apliciones and protocols that the Administrator has marked unsafe or consuming bandwidth, such as MSN Messenger, Internet Radio or online games (like Lineage II).
For all of us that we are trapped inside the firewall that is frustrating, but it's over. No more worrying about that, there is a way to skip any firewall and does not raise any suspicion * because it uses ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) to establish the connections, everything looks like an innocent link to a page Internet.

* As long as the firewall that we are trying to jump does not have a packet sniffer. Neither will anyone be surprised by the continuous flow of data through HTTP (although this could be for example a video on YouTube).

Well, for all you impatient you are reading now if you do it: That


Having a team outside the firewall you have installed OpenSSH and we have credentials. (I use my home PC).

have an SSH client on the computer that is inside the firewall from which we connect to the protocol / service restricted.

"No big deal right? Preparing

relay team

relay team is the team we have outside the firewall, install the OpenSSH Server and configure it to serve through port 80. This is because the firewall only allows connections to that port.
Once installed
OpenSSH Server must be set: Set

OpenSSH Server (Windows)

Well, first you need to configure the port that the server will (forgive the redundancy) as stated should be OpenSSH port 80 as the default used by 22 you have to change this setting default, to do it:
Open with WordPad file C: \\ Program Files \\ OpenSSH \\ etc \\ sshd_config file
    Then locate the line # Port 22
  1. and below it add the line Port 80
  2. The file must look something like this:

# $ OpenBSD: sshd_config, v 1.65 2003/08/28 12:54:34 markus Exp $ # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file.
See # sshd_config (5) for more information.

WAS # This sshd compiled with PATH = / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin # The strategy
Used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with # OpenSSH is to Specify options with
WHERE Their default value # possible, But Leave Them commented. Uncommented options change a # default value

# Port 22 # Protocol Port 80 2.1

# Protocol 2 # ListenAddress
ListenAddress [...]
  1. Ready, the server is already configured to serve port 80 Now all that remains is to prepare the Key Based Authentication which is what will allow us to authenticate our SSH server (if we do not always denied access) to do:
  2. Open a console and we went to C: \\ Program Files \\ OpenSSH \\ bin \\

They write these commands:

mkgroup-l>> .. \\ etc \\ group


mkpasswd-l-u username

>> .. \\ etc \\ passwd

These commands set the key based authentication , making it the first command is to save the local group information in the file .. \\ etc \\ group and the second creates a password for the user username in the file .. \\ etc \\ passwd.

[NOTE:] username must be a user name of the local machine, the name we use to log into Windows ®. After that the OpenSSH allow username and username just start a remote console on the machine, if you want another user then simply execute the same command with another user name and now.

Ok, that's it, now you just have to upload the service by running:

sc start "OpenSSHd"

After that the SSH server is running on the computer serving on port 80. Set

OpenSSH server (in Linux)
  1. Configure the OpenSSH server on Linux is as easy as in Windows, what we do is: Locate
  2. sshd_config file located in / etc / ssh and edit it with super user permissions in the file we will see something like this: # Package

generated configuration file # See the sshd (8) manpage for details # What ports

, IPs and protocols we listen for Port 22
[...] There

edit the harbor line, instead of 22 write 80 or 443 according to the port we can use our ISP. I normally use the 443 for me that 80 is blocked.

Once we've edited the file down and re-upload the SSH Server service, to do so:

$ sudo / etc / init.d / ssh stop

$ sudo / etc / init .d / ssh start
and ready. In linux it is not necessary to prepare the key-based authentication because the server SSH authentication system uses the operating system so you do not have to do anything else. Make

Port Forwarding

Well, now comes the fun part if you connect to a port "banned" from this point we are on the machine that is dento Firewall. Recall that in this equipment should be installed SSH client. If you do not have permission to install an SSH client can find that does not require it, do not know if Putty
can do it would be worth trying
(post your comments if you try)

To make this easier to understand we to take a simple example, say we want to hear Anime Academy Radio

within the University, normally it can not be that the port is closed but as we have our relay machine outside the firewall so if we can.

Then, well, when we entered the station page to unload a. M3u which essentially points us to the URL where the server publishing point, the direction is pointing the m3u is: 8500

We have to make the machine that is outside to relieve us server port 8500 for it then run this command:
ip_maquina ssh-p 80-l username-L 8500: : 8500 write our password and you're done, that opens a remote console Port Forwarding does, and I'll explain how it works, but first a step is needed after that go to the Anime Academy Radio page and we click in the link as usual, the connection will fail because the proxy of the University does not allow connections to port 8500, then we give the WinAmp right click the entry in the playlist and select Edit Entry and there where it says rs1. write localhost and give back to play, it should work.
[NOTE:] You can add the option-N
the command that we not only open a remote console only do the Port Forwarding in Windows ® as the console window is blocked then it gives the same. Explanation

Well, now the explanation of what we did. In the command that we write the following: ssh
is the command name (no explanation is needed)

ip_maquina is IP (or if you are) the name of Creaser

-p 80
is to tell SSH to connect to port 80 instead of port 22 (which is the default port)

-l username
OpenSSH is to tell the Loge in the remote machine using the user name username. If you do not specify this option, SSH logeara with the current user.

-L 8500: 8500 This is the tex command, which is part of the command tells the OpenSSH is: All packets arriving on the local machine through port 8500 Send them to the remote machine (ip_maquina) and when you get there tell the SSH Server to send them to on port 8500. Do you understand?
For example you can do other things, let's say for example we have a MySQL server that is running in nustro PC in the house, but of course, the pig university proxy not allow us to connect to port 3306 then: ssh
ip_maquina-p 80-l username-L 3306: localhost: 3306

and ready, this command is sometimes a little confusing but I will explain in detail: We are telling the local machine, everything that comes from the 3306 send it to the remote machine (ip_maquina) and tell the SSH Server is that when you get there send them to localhost port 3306 on localhost "is the machine where you run the ssh or where the SSH Server? Is where the SSH Server, which colocquemos at the command ssh-L is solved by the sercvidor SSH and the SSH server is localhost pc is running.
    In the same way we redirect any port. It is very useful if used well. SSH manual offers more information on using these features, there are also other interesting options, such as the-R option, I recommend you see it, for now I will explain how it works the-L:
  • Option -L has three arguments, call them
  • local port, destination
  • and remote port
  • , these arguments are placed separated by: and:
  • puerto_local
  • :
  • destination: puerto_remoto
is the port that the ssh listen on the local machine. When you run the ssh command opens a port on the local machine and listening out there, we can verify this with a netstat-n-

destination is the FINAL

machine where we want to access (where the service can not access because of the proxy). Remember that name and address solved by the SSH server, so in the example of the MySQL localhost is still the machine where the SSH Server is running, not where you run the ssh.
Finally he is the port puerto_remoto we want to connect to the machine FINAL.

takes me .... : C but I will not port 80
Sometimes we have on our machine actually an HTTP server running at 80, in which case we can use the 443 (HTTPS) to make the OpensSSH Server serves out there, then the command would look like this example : ip_maquina ssh-p 443-l username-L 8500: 8500 Note the change in the -p
. Note that this
Port Forwarding allows you to connect to port on the machine you want you want and it seems that the connection provided for through the port 80. This means (I guess you have noticed) that if you have a machine running the SSH Server on port 80 no limit about what can be done, no firewall that can stop us! Take that accursed of Danica!
For now I'll stop here, if you have questions or want more explanation you can write me e-mail or post your comment here, I will be pending. Even those who know me can comment on MSN.
There are other tricks in the bag there but I do not want to write more for today, then I'll post more. They take care

Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh My Papa Jim Niebors

Jump 5000x Firewalls using OpenSSH and CPUs Overclocking

Since Jorge walks with sheath Processor Overheat I began to look a lot about processors overclocking and I've learned other videos on YouTube and reading around, I think that after all I never overclockearía my processor ... that as it makes them run very hot, mmmm ... I prefer life than external speed, plus I have nothing that requires such speed as to say that I overclock .... seee I never play Crysis ... "Egg demand that game to make it so demanding? no one runs over 19 fps .. re crazy.

This video frame me, I felt re tezo:

Well, what more could say I began to watch other videos, crazy people re Overclock the processor and put dry ice in the Heat Sink .... There is a god, and I've seen videos of what happens when the processor runs out Discip ... scary, I've seen some that literally explodes processor (socket shoots and all). This is re

mmm .... I still remember that he had not even i486dx heatsink ... and now needed Water Cooling system to keep a processor operating temperature ... As we've come ... That tezo!
are some videos on YouTube that make it look so easy to overclock ... but no, not right now.

Well, I leave you for now, then I'll be posting more.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Disadvantages Of Dbms

Hello while ago do not write here on the blog, mmm I guess not everything that happens in my life I want to post on the internet. Anyway lately I've been very otaku so here are some updates.ら きすた

The first thing I saw Lucky Star (ら き すた) And I liked it a lot, I must say, at first the drawings are a little strange, but the truth is that I feel very good to the series, which faces Konata would not be the same if the drawing style was different. Also Kagami.
is more anime series I've seen, all possible situations are presented in the anime series is a great character Konata and Kagami also: P I liked the Karaoke in the Ending of the first 12 episodes, the others the moron that shot with the singing, but hey, nothing to do. thing I liked about the series was the Lucky Channel, I really had plenty and it seems that although the situations were funny once in a while .... mmmm I think the show could have used those 2 to 5 minutes in good content. I really thought was a surplus. the end I give it 5 stars Lucky Star A great series, I highly recommend.


I just found a new female character who has become my favorite female character, of

シャナ 灼眼 の シャナ is a very tezo, I love, is very charismatic and very general bacana . When re tex is fighting with the katana, and when it is normal and is eating melon bread is very kawaii.
I liked the character, their attitudes are m u
bacana, sometimes seems like an innocent child, sometimes a ruthless warrior, I love when Yuji gets jealous: P It looks very kawaii. I think do very well knew the character and Seyou they chose to she could not have been better. Tezo is that everything is about her ... no wonder she Became my favorite character so Quickly ...

has so far been worthwhile series, I feel very lucky to have found and no Shana Shakugan no for a while because there are two

24-episode series, an OVA and a movie. Just finished viewing the series will comment that this seemed to me ... I'm on episode 13 and huuuy so far this sooo good, hopefully it stays that way ... : P Now I understand why it is so popular the series ... do not understand how I had not known before.

Well, I leave a gift, a picture of Shana Anime version

... and also a picture of my favorite Cosplayer cosplay by Shana ... I will not say the name of the cosplayer because there are some perverts ¬ ¬ who read my blog and I prefer that his identity remain in anonymity for them ... I think the poor and has many perverted eyes on top ... ¬ ¬

right? seeeee ... their Cosplay always spectacular ... is like seeing the character in question and good .... another picture of it, but when normal eating melon bread has the same smile that he シャナ shape when eating melon bread ... kawaiii!

truth esque lately because I have to watch many Japanese Cosplay, and I've noticed that very tezos ... long detested the cosplay, but it was clear that simepre saw photos of a fat ugly dressed as Rinoa (Damn, how you can do that to poor Rinoa?) Japanese cosplay mmm but not only are very good (the costumes) but also very kawaii girls: P (much kawaii lately ... that is ...?)

Long Does Check Take Clear

There no! These pictures make me laugh if I can not believe that there people like that, well, as they say, all there in the flock of the Lord: -198663-1.html