Saturday, October 27, 2007

What Is The Meaning Of The Green Shag Band

garments waste cloth applications ...

This is a collection of clothes: T-shirts and dresses, which is covered by scraps of leftover fabrics derived from my own production and also arising from the disposal of a manufacturing workshop, which are sewn to the base fabric zig-zag cn and / or festoon stitch, making entertaining compositions. You can run errands, if you like, by phone or mail 9-82921421 paula.vidal81 @ They can also take a shirt from you, new or used. Here are some pictures of an impromptu photo session at the viewpoint which is next to the elevator Holy Spirit in Valparaiso, Chile.

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eco clothing by reuse of industrial wool felt. Seminar

The project is eco-apparel made with pieces of industrial felt 100% wool left over from a small business with which to build a new textile sheet through the union of the parties. For the preparation of this film was a process of experimentation that included methods of joining, cutting, color, texture filter (or openings in the picture) generating various forms of which are selected for this garment. They originate from three collections: Ivy line consisting of layers with large caps, Prairie line of sweaters, sleeveless tend to line asymmetry and presents La Foret Moisture wraps 3 / 4 tops. The three lines have a textile sheet with varying degrees of sieve opening inspired by vines. We also perform brand image. The motivation for this project is to develop awareness of the continued accumulation of waste and the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking cutting-edge clothing that mass away from the current proposals focused on a client between 18-35 years. The project was completed in 2006. Currently we are developing a more complex and varied collection, with new cuts and textile sheets, draft qualification. While the production process is at the edge of the artisan, are looking for ways to make it industrializable, but without falling into mass production ... obvious.

The project can also check in
This project received the distinction in the design category Valparaiso area of \u200b\u200bsustainable design. Http://

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Iphone Kates Playground

reuse in fashion program. Respectable

Here is the program of activities of the seminar.
click image.
(see further information in previous posts, below)

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books that if or whether to read Part 3.

experimental design of eco- Cara Brower, Rachel Mallory, Zachary Ohlman.
The book contains a series of projects that incorporate techniques and practices of sustainable design and illustrate the creative, experimental, intelligent and innovative design can be environmentally friendly. From architecture and paper tableware lactic acid to portable houses or recycled clothing, all proposals of this book are highly inspiring and open the door to hope for a future Soteno.
More information (where you can see some inside pages, excerpts and table of contents) about this book

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respectable books that if or whether to read Part 2.

The following is " Ecological Design" by Joaquim Viñolas.

can be found in , leaves about $ 73,000, except in the month of supply, in August, which is half price. This is a tome completisisismo, very forceful, bible on the subject, theoretical (with graphic language and dynamic) and some technical levels of what is green design.
has extensive chapters on the environmental problem, the reference of nature, the culture of recycling, historical and sociological bases, sustainability, green business and green product, eco-design bases, and this projection fields.

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respectable books that if or whether to read.

Here are
presented one of three indispensable books (I know) on the topic of ecodesign.

Ecological Design Handbook by Alastair Fuad-Luke, editorial Carthage.

The focus of this book is to bring together a hundred of designer goods organic whole world (all disciplines). There is also precise and concise information on ecological deldiseño strategies, list of manufacturers and suppliers, designers and addresses of producers, green organizations, a glossary, recommended reading. The range of products found in the book: furniture, lighting, appliances, textiles and fashion, transport, entertainment and leisure products, other household products, office products, transportation, public spaces, architecture, machinery, and Miscelania. In addition to a catalog of organic materials that can be found on the market.

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Al Gore Nobel Peace ... .¡¡¡¡¡¡

The documentary " An Inconvenient Truth "Gore he won an Oscar, but more importantly we managed to bring environmental issues to people and also became politically correct among the leaders with an important message: climate change is man's fault.
Al Gore is the second environmentalist wins Nobel Peace Prize, after the African Wangari did Mataih 2005.
This time the prize was shared with the scientific community of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC. Mil 200 scientists from around the world, who for 20 years studying the subject, including four Chileans: Sergio Gonzalez, Gino Cassasa, Jorge Carrasco and Luis Cifuentes, who will meet in La Moneda.

view full article

The documentary ( ) which is also in book version shows what is happening, what the consequences are multiple and daunting in the indiscriminate emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the destruction of forests, pollution, unsustainable continental and oceanic waters. We put in front of the eyes, in a way undeniable, climate change. It is also a chronicle of life, personal and public, Al Gore, a statement of the reasons for their involvement in the struggle for people's awareness and realization of measures to curb climate change. This book is based on the intensive work of data collection and summary of conclusions that Al Gore has done in several conferences over the past years. From The snows of Kilimanjaro of which almost nothing is left empty by the glacial valleys, among the mangled remains of towns and cities after the hurricanes, the increasingly unstable and thin ice at the poles, amid floods and droughts that cause suffering and death, with lakes that have the map, with dead forests, cut down or burned, this book by Al Gore does more than introduce a situation that, as usual, will radically change our lives on this planet that urges us to stop and think about other things that we focus on what's important ... care of our house. Al Gore is currently Director of Current TV, a private network and cable television satellite for young people, based on content created by viewers and citizen journalism. Gore is also director of Generation Investment Management, a firm that has focused on a new approach to sustainable investments. Gore is a member of the board of Apple Computer Inc. and consultant to Google, Inc.

the book you can find in the library Antartica.

The text of this article was excerpted from: