The project is eco-apparel made with pieces of industrial felt 100% wool left over from a small business with which to build a new textile sheet through the union of the parties. For the preparation of this film was a process of experimentation that included methods of joining, cutting, color, texture filter (or openings in the picture) generating various forms of which are selected for this garment. They originate from three collections: Ivy line consisting of layers with large caps, Prairie line of sweaters, sleeveless tend to line asymmetry and presents La Foret Moisture wraps 3 / 4 tops. The three lines have a textile sheet with varying degrees of sieve opening inspired by vines. We also perform brand image. The motivation for this project is to develop awareness of the continued accumulation of waste and the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking cutting-edge clothing that mass away from the current proposals focused on a client between 18-35 years. The project was completed in 2006. Currently we are developing a more complex and varied collection, with new cuts and textile sheets, draft qualification. While the production process is at the edge of the artisan, are looking for ways to make it industrializable, but without falling into mass production ... obvious.
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This project received the distinction in the design category Valparaiso area of \u200b\u200bsustainable design. Http://
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