Thursday, January 29, 2009

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's also the option of using printed fabrics (not available in stores catalog )¡¡¡¡¡ see the previous entries:) or also on facebook!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gitl Masterbates In Car

create Qt applications on Windows using Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 (Compile, Debug and Run from the IDE)

Hello, for those who do not know what Qt is a cross-platform API for creating native applications on Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, etc and to carry them without changing a line of code. If you want to see more information about this package visit: I had already written two posts on this blog and how to install Qt on Linux, if you want to give them a look: Replacement of Visual Basic Install Qt4

The truth is that he had been trying to run this package on Windows but so far had failed, I tried to DevCo + + and Eclipse but nothing, who think that the solution was a product of Microsoft. Recently Microsoft released the Express versions of Visual Studio 2008
that can be downloaded free. With this product we can compile Qt and also create your own applications. In this post I will explain how. Obviously the first thing is unloaded and install the Visual C + + 2008 Express Edition, when installed (it weighs about 150 MB) must download the Source Code for Windows Qt4 page

Qt Software. Eye, do not download the version that comes with MinGW but it's just source code. The download weighs 120 MB, is a compressed file.

Download the file and unzip it in C: \\ Qt \\ 4.4.3
[FOLDER NAME should not contain spaces]
(the 4.4.3 was the version I got but it may be that the time you read this is a more recent post.) In that folder is a file called autconf configure.exe this is the builder, run it BUT to Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 Express Edition -> Visual Studio Tools -> Command Prompt Visual Studio 2008, this will open a console in the directory of Visual C + + and enables paths to the maker, and the linker.
In this console will go to C: \\ Qt \\ 4.4.3 \\ (or the directory where you have unpacked the qt), once there run:

C: \\ Qt \\ 4.4.3 \\> configure-platform win32-msvc2008
This statement sets the code so that it can compile with the compiler of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, once the process Temin see a message like this:

Qt is now configured for building. Just run nmake.

To reconfigure, run nmake confclean and configure.
Then just do what we said there, run nmake to start Visual C + + to compile. This process takes a while, as in Linux, the console will be compiled for a time creating the executables of Qt Designer, Qt Assistant, moc, etc and Qt dll, when the process terminates Qt is compiled and installed in equipment ready for use.
Now let's see how to create a software in Qt using Visual C + +, we create the Hello World Tutorial Qt. But first we must do something extra and add the Qt bin folder to the System Path: We click Home
and then right-click My Computer

, there are going to

Properties tab and the Advanced Degree Options
we click on
Environment Variables, dialog box appears with the system variables and variables user in the system variables we
Path, select it and we click Edit

. At the end of the text we put a, (semi-colon) and then write the bin path of Qt, which in my case was C: \\ Qt \\ 4.4.3 \\ bin and we click OK in all dialog boxes .
Now if we create the Hello World.
Open the Visual C + + 2008 and we believe a New Project, which says

Project Type select Visual C + +

-> General

-> Makefile Project . Select the location and name of the project here will be Hello World. We removed the checkbox Create directory for solution and we click OK . Visual Studio opens a configuration wizard Makefile project, we'll ignore it and simply click Finish . The project will create the folders and files appear usual Visual C + + (creates a lot of garbage). Let's create the main, then, in the Solution Explorer , folder Source Files we right click and there select
New Item
and we choose File C + + (. cpp) , we name main and click on OK . Visual Studio opens the code editor, there are going to write code that is in the Qt Assistant, in the Hello World tutorial is this:

# include \u0026lt;QApplication>
# include \u0026lt;QPushButton>
int main (int argc, char * argv []) { QApplication app (argc, argv); QPushButton hello ("Hello world!"); ( ) app.exec return ();}

We Save and you're ready the project, now the bad news, we can not build from the IDE (or at least I do not I have that need to configure it and I have not put in those) so let's compile the console:
Open Command Prompt Visual Studio 2008 to compile the Qt open. In the console go to the folder where we saved the Visual C + + and there write these commands:



This compiles the program and creates the executable in the folder Debug, in my case world.exe Hello. From the same console or from Windows Explorer can run the application to make sure it works.

Well, we have created and executed an application on Windows with Qt. If you run the Hello world run anything. :)

Feel free to leave your comments, questions or concerns.

care is Bye Bye.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Best Bra For Small Breasts

Create Qt applications on Windows using Microsoft Visual C + + 2008

Well what happens is that in my previous post like jumping
firewalls using OpenSSH as they did not say when the proxy was we were going to skip authentication, as is the case of the university proxy, if use for example the client that comes with the OpenSSH for Windows NEVER going to get through that proxy knows nothing and will always try to direct connection, then pans. [NOTE:] I have realized that putting OpenSSH to serve for the 443 is better than it used by 80 because some ISPs block port 80 (as I do with ETB) but port 443 is blocked by ISPs or by the firewalls, since it is the HTTPS port.
Well, for this example we need:
A relay team set outside the firewall (see previous post

The client putty

Well, then, we know that we have configured relay team to accept SSH connections through a port accessible through the firewall, in this case we say that the port is 443.
For this example I will show how to play on the server of Lineage 2 of
I will assume you already have installed and configured the client and already have your hosts file in the folder and it works fine (this the computer is going to play, relay team does not need to have the client installed or modified hosts file).

Well, the first thing we need is information on which port the client connects to Lineage II, this information is online, but do not have to go further: 2106 to the authentication server 7777

game server 2009 for the game server

guard 80 is also connected to authentication
  • So now we know what ports to release, now comes the tricky part is making all the tweaks we need for this to work, so let's start: The first thing to do is modify the hosts file on the computer where we play (that which is inside the firewall and have installed the client) The server hosts file TehGamers look something like this:
  • # Tehgamers patch
edited this three lines ...
  • What we need then is to redirect those connections to localhost, for modify the file like this:

# Address modified for the port forwarding:
# Tehgamers patch
edited this three lines ...

Note that all I did was comment on the original lines server and add three new all pointing to localhost, the reason for this is that when you want to play again outside the firewall as the commented lines and invest now.
Now need to configure Putty to do the port forwarding, open putty and the first thing we see is this:

Here we introduce the necessary fields in Hostname (or IP Address) introduce the team relay ip or domain that points to it and Port as the port you're using (the 443 in my case). The next thing you do is go to Connection -> Proxy on the left, the window displays the following:

Here we enter the proxy information, then I think there is much to explain, but for example in If the university is: HTTP proxy is so select that option in Proxy Type, then in the proxy address as:, the following is the port which is 8080. Ready, all that remains is to put the user name and password of the SIA and already, we will set up Putty to go through the University proxy that requires authentication.
Not so hard right?
[NOTE:] If you are concerned that recording is played Lineage within the university in the proxy do not worry, SSH connections are encrypted with 128 bits, so there is no danger, the only thing they encrypted packets will be going to the 443 (a port that is normal to flow encrypted information). Well, now there Set the forwarding: that we do in Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels:

Here we add each of the ports to which forwarding can we do, we must have regard to the hosts file , then:

2106 for the port that goes to the authentication server, the redirection is: Source port: 2106, Destination:

for port 7777 going to the game server, the redirection is : Source port: 7777, Destination: For port 2009 that will guard the game server, the redirection is: Source port: 2009 Destination:
to port 80 going to the authentication server redirection is: Source port: 80 Destination:

What is being done here is to tell the Putty that everything between the local computer ( which lie inside the firewall) on port 2106 forwarded it to the port 91,185,193,200 in 2106 making use of the relay team, and so with the rest of the ports. Note that I put the IP addresses instead of hostnames, the reason for this is that the relay team does not have the Hosts file, if any could have used the names of the hosts. When all tunnels are ready simply to give
to putty. Ready

, if we do a netstat-n-a-p TCP-b see among other entries:


[putty.exe ]
  1. TCP
  2. LISTENING 3852
  3. [putty.exe]



netstat These entries confirm that the forwarding is done, now we must prove that it addresses are being treated by our own team, for this we ping the hosts file addresses:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes = 32 time
Reply from bytes = 32 time
Answer from bytes = 32 time

Reply from bytes = 32 time
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0

(0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milliseconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
<1m ttl="128" If all are answered by localhost (resolve to then we are ready, AHRA if we open the Lineage and fun.
<1m ttl="128"
[NOTE:] This really does not work, after having authenticated with the auth server that tells the client what IP address is the game server to which you are connecting, so that client never does a DNS Lookup to locate the game server and therefore no way to trick you into connecting to localhost. So, when you try to make the connection through the proxy dies. <1m ttl="128"
<1m ttl="128" To do so would be to use a technique called ip-forwarding to conciste to trick the system to send packages that are a certain address to another, I am investigating the asusnto but have not achieved anything for Windows at least. Anyway, I leave the post so they know how to jump the Firewall with proxy authentication.